Brown Swiss heifers

Specifications of Brown Swiss heifers

  • Brown / greybrown
  • Age pregnant heifers: between 28-34 months at time of calving
  • Pedigree registered
  • Lactation between 20-30 liters per day
  • Annual Milk production of 6.000-9.000 liters/year.
  • Fat: 4,15%
  • Protein: 3,47%

Brown Swiss history

The Brown Swiss is a dual purpose breed dairy cow, originally from the Monastery of Einsiedeln, the middle of Switzerland. From the late 14th century it has been proven that there has been and export of Brown Swiss cattle to Vorarlberg, Austria. (former Switzerland) From 1775 till 1782 there are records of the first Brown Swiss herd book.

Since 1960 a crossbreeding program started with the American Brown Swiss, to improve the milk yield and bodywork of the Brown Swiss in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Beside Switzerland, also Italy, Austria and Germany have a Brown Swiss population.

Brown Swiss has a brown or Greybrown colour.

Brown Swiss Cows weigh about 550–750 kg; Brown Swiss bulls weigh about 1000–1300 kg.

Milk production of the Brown Swiss cows is between 6000-9000 liters per year. The high protein percentage of 3.5-4.0 is excellent. For beef production, the Brown Swiss bulls are very interesting. Daily gains the Brown Swiss fattening bulls about a 1200 gram of weight.

Brown Swiss is well known about its longevity and lifetime milk yield.

import brown swiss heifers

Characteristics of Brown Swiss race:

  • High content of Fat 4.15 % and protein 3.47%
  • Very high Longevity
  • Acts good in difficult feeding and husbandry conditions
  • Heat resistant.
  • High milk yield of 6000 to 9000 kg per lactation
  • High lifetime milk yield
  • Excellent udder health
  • Strong physical bodywork

This Brown Swiss breed is not affected by the heat, and can eat easily bigger quantities of rough forage, which enables it to maintain its performances when used in much hotter regions.

This breed Brown Swiss is very popular in countries like Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Russia.
