Danish Red heifers

Specifications of Danish Red heifers

  • Age pregnant heifers: between 24-32 months at time of calving
  • Age open heifers: 6-12 months
  • Pedigree registered
  • Lactation between 25-30 liters per day
  • Annual lactation of 6.000-9.000 liters/year
  • Fat: 4,3%
  • Protein: 3,5%
  • Milk & beef production

Danish Red History

Danish Red livestock cattle (European Red family) is an important breed of dairy producing livestock / cattle in the Scandinavia region. Danish Red is a red coloured dual-purpose breed which are bred for dairy and beef production.
The Danish Red cattle breed is a breeding result of crossing local breeds with Angeln cattle from Angeln, Schleswig Holstein Germany.
Angeln cattle / livestock has a typical red colour and has become the base of the Danish Red cattle / livestock breed. Not only Denmark imported the Angeln genetic, also the Estonian Red, Latvian Red , Polish Red, Lithuanian Red, Belarus Red and Bulgarian Red are family of the Angeln breed.

The Danish Red cattle / livestock has an average weight of 660 kg and easily adapt to different kind of climates.
This milk and beef breed can perform in extreme warm circumstances and very cold conditions. That is why the Danish Red has been exported to a lot of tropical climates.

Around 1960, 61% of the total amount of milk producing cows are Danish Red. That amount of Danish Red livestock / cattle changed over the years into 20% in 1980. Nowaday the Danis Red cattle / livestock in Denmark is popular for crossbreeding with Friesian Holstein, Jersey or Friesian breeds. The Danish red is also known as ‘Red Danish dairy breed’. The share of pure breed Danish Red in the Danish milkproducing population is at the moment 6.7%. That means about 40.000 Danish Reds are based in Denmark. The majority of the population in Denmark is Holstein Friesian cattle / livetock.

The Danish Red cattle / livestock is popular because of its high fat 4.2% and protein 3.5% content in the high milk production (milk production of 8000 kilo average). Danish Red cattle / livestock has a high fertility and can calve easy.
Farmers like this type of breed, because it has strong hooves, legs and their longevity. The Danish Red has almost no problems with mastitis and is quite disease resistant. The calving interval is around 13 months.

An advantage is also, that when the Danish Red is not productive anymore, she brings a good yield of 56% in the slaughterhouse.

Danish Red calves are about 36-40 kilo at birth and gain weight of 1.4 kg per day. When the Danish Red bulls have an age of 12-16 months, they weigh between the 420-600 kg. Adult Danish Red cows are between 550-800 kg. Danish Red bulls are around 1000 kg.

The European Red family exists of 360.000 red cows in Scandinavia. Denmark has about 40.000 red cows ( Danish Red), Sweden holds 130.000 red cows ( Swedish Red ) and Finland is breeding about 190.000 red cows (Finnish Ayrshire). All 3 countries have a main goal in breeding:High fat and protein percentage in the milk, easy calving, strong legs and hooves, longevity, good fertility and healthy udder.

Every year thousands of Danish Red heifers / cattle / livestock are exported to other farms worldwide!
Other names for Danish Red are: Red Dane, Red Danish, Rødt Dansk Malkekvog (Danish) and Fünen.
