Specifications of Montbéliarde heifers
- Red&White
- Age pregnant heifers: between 28-34 months at time of calving
- Pedigree registered
- Lactation between 20-30 liters per day
- Annual Milk production of 6.000-9.000 liters/year
- Fat: 3,9%
- Protein: 3,45%
Montbéliarde History
The Montbéliarde race is a dual purpose breed dairy cow, that found its origin in the French city Montbeliard. It is an area between Switzerland and France, the Jura.
In 1872, Mr Joseph Graber used the name Montbéliarde for the 1st time to a group of cows at the Langres agricultural competition. In 1889 the breed was officially accepted as Montbéliarde. The Montbéliarde race is very popular in Algeria and the South of France. Lots of Montbéliarde heifers got transported since 1900.
The breed Montbéliarde has been crossed with the breeds Red Holstein (for its milk), Simmental/ Fleckvieh, and Danish Red, between 1970 and 1990.

The Montbéliarde race is characterized by red&white color with a white head. Compared to Simmental/Fleckvieh, the Montbéliarde race is more dairy typical in its bodywork and production of course. Compared to Holstein breed, the Montbéliarde race has better beef characteristics.
The Montbéliarde population recorded in France in totally about 685.000 cows and heifers with an average lactation of 7500 liters with 3.9% fat and 3.45% protein. The average weight of an adult Montbéliarde cow is between the 650-800kg. Adult bulls weigh between 1000-1200kg.
This breed is very populair for cheesmaking: Emmental and Gruyère cheese.
The protein percentage for Montbéliarde cattle is high, so that is why the Montbéliarde race is quite popular in the cheese making industry. Sometimes Holstein farms use Montbéliarde semen to improve their longevity and fertility in their herd.
Characteristics Montbéliarde race:
- Strong animal with extra muscles (good for beef production)
- Good udder.
- High fertility; (high success rate in artificial insemination)
- Longevity (24 % with 5 or more lactation)
- Strong legs.
- Good resistance to mastitis.
- High fat & protein percentage.
Montbéliarde race: is not affected by the heat, and can eat easily bigger quantities of rough forage, which enables it to maintain its performances when used in much hotter regions.
This breed Montbéliarde is very popular in countries like Morocco, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Russia.